Easy Multisite CMS

ButterCMS was built from the beginning as a multisite CMS perfect for enterprises that need to manage content to multiple websites, multiple domains, and even multiple localizations. ButterCMS allows you to create staging environments for testing, separate from your live site. Switching from one site to another is as simple as clicking on a dropdown from anywhere in the app and choosing another site from your list.

What is a Multisite CMS?

A multisite CMS allows you to use one interface to manage multiple websites. A multisite CMS also allows for easy transfer of content from one site to another. ButterCMS has a built-in DAM (Digital Asset Management) system that all of your sites can easily access. A built-in CDN then stores those assets on servers around the world to optimize page load speeds.

A multisite CMS should make it easy for one dev team to manage dozens or even hundreds of websites and applications with granular permissions so that users only see the content they need. A multisite CMS should also consolidate maintenance and security work by bringing this all into one place. Mass data updates across multiple websites should also be an option.

Use Cases

Any company that manages multiple websites will see a benefit from using a multisite CMS. Many CMS do not have this capability but force you to use a separate instance for each site. Others have a bolt-on capability to handle multiple sites but with significant drawbacks.

  • Marketing websites

  • Mobile apps

  • Internal employee portals & intranets

  • Enterprises acquiring other companies (M&A)

  • Manufacturers with multiple brand websites

  • eCommerce vendors with multiple localized versions of their site

  • Healthcare providers with a website for each location

  • Franchises or distributors with multiple physical locations and websites

  • Venture capital that share resources across multiple company websites

A CMS For Businesses of All Sizes?

ButterCMS can power content for businesses of all sizes, from startup to enterprise. Because ButterCMS is a hosted SaaS, our plans scale effortlessly as you add multiple websites, localizations, or environments. Our team monitors usage, security, and maintenance to ensure your team has a fast experience wherever they are located.

The best CMS for SaaS Enterprises

Teams like Partner.co trust ButterCMS to help them manage content across more than 70 languages that serve a global and multilingual audience. Being able to manage all their websites in one CMS helps their development team conserve resources and create consistency.

Content teams will love the fast and easy to use interface and how it enables them to build pages and edit content with minimal involvement from the development team. Security in ButterCMS is top-notch with custom built roles available to give granular permissions to users for particular websites and content types.


Small to Medium Size Websites

ButterCMS has usage based pricing so plans are available to fit the needs of startups and then scale to medium sized websites and to multiple websites. Our developer documentation makes it easy to get started building your site. In-app chat lets you connect with a human in under 3 minutes during business hours. ButterCMS has a plan that fits your stage and scales easily to accommodate your growth.


Next Steps

The next step is to have your IT leader or development team connect with ButterCMS. We can give them access to the SDK’s, and free starter projects they can use to quickly build a proof of concept to show to your product or marketing team.

Do you want your product or marketing team to test Butter CMS first? We can set up a live demo to walk your team through the fast, easy-to-use interface.